Scarborough average homes sold in 2016 grouped by bedroom count (Limited to homes under $700,000)
Scarborough average homes sold in 2016 grouped by bedroom count (Limited to homes under $700,000)
Comparison chart of Scarborough and surrounding areas. An important consideration is the different towns services like fire & police, schools, trash collection, public works.
The median sale price of a home in Scarborough for 2014 was $334,000. With the exception of 2006 at the height of the market peak, 2014 is the highest median sale price to date. 2006 MSP was 357,000. 2003 MSP…
Updated comparison chart of Scarborough and surrounding areas tax areas. An important consideration is the different towns’ services like fire & police, schools, trash collection, public works.
Buy or Sell a home with me and receive a free Apple iPad mini! Purchase or list price must be above $125,000. Valid if closed before 12/31/13.16GB wifi-only model, $350 value.
Top 5 Counties, “# Units Sold” means the number of existing, single-family homes sold in 2012. County # Units Sold Median Sold Price Cumberland 2965 $226,000 York 1929 $215,000 Penobscot 1105 $129,000 Kennebec 991 $130,000 Androscoggin 768 $133,250 *Source: Maine…
Here are some recent interesting statistics that were published by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® • The typical national seller lived in their home for nine years. The median tenure has increased in recent years. In 2007, the typical tenure…
Here are some recent interesting statistics that were published by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® • Fifty percent of recent home buyers were first-time buyers in Maine, compared to a national level of 39 percent, which is a slight rise…
Typically it will take 30-60 days from when you make an offer on a property until you close. Currently the average is about 2-3 months of home searching before entering into a contract to buy. Sign Buyer Brokerage Representation…
If you have a water test come back positive for coliform bacteria does that mean your septic system is leaking waste into your drinking water? Coliform bacteria isn’t actually a health risk. It is tested for because it is an…